Our final Summer Family Fun Night @ Cedar Creek Park next Tues. 8/20!! Come on out and join us from 5:30-7!
4 months ago, Fairmont Elementary School
FFN Summer '24-Eng
FFN Summer '24-Sp
Fairmont Cardinal Activities Fair & Fall Pep Fest - Wednesday, August 21 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Come join us!
4 months ago, FHS ACTIVITIES
FHS Activities Fair & Pep Fest
FALL ACTIVITY REMINDER: Students planning to participate in Cheerleading, Cross Country, Debate, Football, Mock Trial, Robotics, Soccer, Girls Tennis, Fall Trap or Volleyball register at: https://www.fairmont.k12.mn.us/page/athletics-and-activities-home  
4 months ago, FHS ACTIVITIES
5 months ago, Fairmont Area Schools
School Registration Information 2024-2025
Screening America's mission it to Save Lives. They will be at Fairmont Jr/Sr High School on Thursday, September 12, 2024. Screening America will perform a heart screening on youth ages 11 and up. The screening aids in the detection of heart abnormalities contributing to Sudden Cardiac Death in young people. Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the leading cause of death. Each Screening includes: 1. Limited echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) 2. 12 Lead EKG 3. Blood pressures 4. Health history evaluation 5. Evaluation for Marfan's Syndrome 6. Board Certified cardiologist review. To sign up, contact atordsen@fairmont.k12.mn.us OR call FES office 507-238-4487. If your child is getting screened there are 3 required forms to complete. These forms are available attached, by request from the school when you sign up or at www.screening-america.com. The cost is only $89.00. This is a massive saving! You can pay by check made out to "Screening America", cash, credit card, or flex spending card. There is also a sibling discount which consists of half price screening for each sibling after one full price sibling. You will receive the results in the mail within 3-4 weeks. More info go to the www.screening-america.com website. https://screening-america.com/
5 months ago, Fairmont Area Schools
Mid-Summer Updates from Fairmont Jr./Sr. High School. (7/17/24) https://secure.smore.com/n/d2nk6
5 months ago, Chad Brusky
Family Fun Night @ Cedar Creek Park tomorrow night - Tues. 7/16!! Weather should be perfect and fun things are planned! Come on out and join us from 5:30-7!
5 months ago, Fairmont Elementary School
FFN Summer '24-Eng
FFN Summer '24-Sp
Family Fun Nights @ Cedar Creek Park are in Session!! See below...the next one is coming up next Tues. 7/16 @ 5:30-7!!! Come on out and join us!
5 months ago, Fairmont Elementary School
Summer FFN-ENG
Summer FFN-Sp
MDE Notice of Disclosure of Records https://education.mn.gov/MDE/about/prod084332
5 months ago, Fairmont Area Schools
School might be out for the summer, but Family Fun Nights @ Cedar Creek Park are still in Session!! See below...the next one is coming up next Tues. 6/18 @ 5:30-7!!! Come on out and join us!
6 months ago, Fairmont Elementary School
Summer FFN CCP-Eng
Summer FFN CCP-Sp
We hope you can make it to our ECFE Summer Park Play Time tomorrow morning from 9-10am at Lincoln Park. This is for caregivers and their child(ren) ages birth up to 8-years-old. We also have our 1st Summer Baby & Me class at Fairmont Elementary School from 10:30-11:30am. This class is for caregivers and their baby ages birth up through 6-months-old.
7 months ago, Fairmont ECFE
ECFE Family Fun Night - Tonight - 5:30-7 here at Fairmont Elementary...details below. Come on out! Hoping to see you!
7 months ago, Fairmont Elementary School
May FFN Eng
May FFN Sp
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Sr. High Student Council Officers. President: Grace Simpson Vice President: Bel Lutterman Treasurer: Cadence Leiding Secretary: Sophia Swenson Public Relations: Alayna Haefner Reporter/Social Media: Alyssa Lowry Community Service/Fundraising: Carys Gudahl & Adriana Leiding Committee Chairperson: Landon Traetow Jr. High Advisors: Olivia Garbers & Bria Williamson
7 months ago, Courtney Schoellerman
Student Council
ECFE Family Fun Night - Tomorrow night - Tues. 5/21 @ 5:30-7 at Fairmont Elementary...details below. Come on out! We would love to see you!
7 months ago, Fairmont Elementary School
FFN May '24-Eng
FFN May '24-Sp
Family Fun Nights will continue to be held thru the summer months!! See below for more details! Come out and join the fun at Cedar Creek Park....& for FREE!
7 months ago, Fairmont Elementary School
FFN Summer '24-Eng
FFN Summer '24-Sp
ECFE Family Fun Night - Next Tues. 5/21 @ 5:30-7 at Fairmont Elementary...details below. We would love to see you!
7 months ago, Fairmont Elementary School
May FFN Eng
May FFN Sp
May's ECFE Family Fun Night - coming up Tues. 5/21 @ 5:30-7 at Fairmont Elementary...details below. Hope to see you!
7 months ago, Fairmont Elementary School
FFN 5-21 Eng
FFN 5-21 Sp
Congratulations to the March Students of the Month at FHS!
7 months ago, Abby Ehlert
Congratulations to the Class of 2024 on all the awards given at the Senior Awards Banquet!
7 months ago, Abby Ehlert