What is it? The First Annual Fairmont Cool School Plunge for Special Olympics Minnesota (SOMN).
What do I have to do? Each plunger is required to raise a minimum of $50 to participate. This is an SOMN requirement.
Who should do this? EVERYONE!! Staff, students, admin, community members—the more the merrier!!
Where? Right here in the FHS parking lot (SOMN has a Mobile Plungester that they bring in for events like ours)
When? Monday, March 14 at about 2:00. There will be a short pepfest/assembly in the gym promoting inclusion. Immediately after, plungers will head out for a refreshing dip!
How do we sign up? Go to and register. When given the option, choose “join existing team” and choose Fairmont Cardinals. (Or create your own team if you’d like)
How do I raise money? After you register, you will have a profile page. You can share the link to your page and your supporters can donate online.
Why would anyone do this? IT’S COOL (get it??)!! And it’s a great fundraiser for Special Olympics—AND some of the money we raise will stay here to help boost our own Unified efforts toward inclusion.
What if I still have questions? Watch this video or contact Mr. Hernes.
Thank you for your support.
Rex Hernes