Covid-19 Important Information


Things are going to be different this year at school as it is everywhere right now.  We are in a pandemic and in order to make in-person school work, everyone must take personal responsibility for following Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines.  It is often going to feel inconvenient and we understand your frustration but we want to inform you of the current expectations.  We are all in this together and must commit to doing our best!

The Important Basics:

  • Screening for symptoms must be done at home every morning (Details below)

  • Masks are required. Mask Do’s and Don’ts - MDH  Mask Procedures pdf 

  • Students should bring a water bottle to school every day as drinking fountains are disabled.  Filling stations for water bottles are still functioning throughout the buildings.

  • Anyone with symptoms or awaiting COVID-19 test results must stay home.

  • Do not come to school if you have been asked to quarantine, until that timeframe has passed, regardless of negative test results or how you feel.

  • Students who report or exhibit symptoms consistent with COVID-19 while at school must be picked up immediately along with siblings/household contacts.

  • Make sure your phone numbers and emergency contact information is accurate in Skyward. 

  • Please have a back-up plan in place if you are out of town or for any reason are unable to pick up your student. 

  • If your student has a positive COVID-19 test please immediately notify your school attendance line or school nurse so that the required follow-up can be completed.

  • Students who are required to quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19 will temporarily shift to Distance Learning.  Students who are isolated due to illness will have access to Distance Learning as they are able.

Home Screening Details:

Screening for symptoms must be done at home.  Universal temperature screening of all staff and students will not be conducted at school, per CDC guidance.  Before heading to a district school, district building or boarding district transportation, all individuals will self check at home. Arriving at school or boarding district transportation implicitly affirms that the individual has done this self check and has not met any of the exclusion criteria. 

CDC Daily Home Screening   MDH Health Screening Checklist

This self check includes a symptom check and an exposure check:


  • Fever or feeling feverish (If you need a thermometer, please contact Public Health)

  • Chills

  • New sore throat

  • New cough (for students with chronic allergic/ asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline)

  • Shortness of breath

  • New muscle aches

  • New headache

  • New loss of smell or taste

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain 

Close Contact/Potential Exposure 

  • Had close contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes) with a person with confirmed COVID-19: OR 

  • Had close contact (within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes) with person under quarantine for possible exposure to SARS-CoV-2; OR 

  • Traveled to or lived in an area where the local health department is reporting large numbers of COVID-19 cases

IF ANY OF THE ABOVE ARE PRESENT, STAY HOME.  Arriving at school or boarding district transportation implicitly affirms that the individual has done this self check and has not met any of the exclusion criteria. 

Additional Resources:

MDH Decision Tree is the required exclusion guidance per MDH.  We are told this will be changed somewhat in the near future.  Be aware that when a student is sent home due to symptoms consistent with COVID-19 they are required along with their siblings/household members to remain home/isolate/quarantine for an extended period of time.

SOCIAL DISTANCING - Limiting face-to-face contact with others is the best way to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and is a significant criteria when it comes to contact tracing of positive cases. Close contact is considered being within 6 feet for 15 minutes or longer, regardless of a mask.

What to Do if You Have Had Close Contact With a Person With COVID-19

What To Do If You’re Waiting For COVID-19 Test Results

How To Protect Yourself and Others CDC

How to Wash Your Hands - MDH

Cleaning & Disinfecting for COVID-19

CDC Quarantine Versus Isolation

Mask Do’s and Don’ts - MDH  Mask Procedures pdf 

Things are changing frequently with this pandemic but we wanted to inform you of the most current guidance at this point.  Please let us know if you have any questions.

April Tordsen, MSN, RN, PHN, Licensed School Nurse

Fairmont Elementary School


Emily Fett, DNP, RN, CNP Licensed School Nurse

Fairmont Jr/Sr High School
