Welcome to Fairmont Elementary School!
Greetings and welcome to Fairmont Elementary School! We are a vibrant school community that serves Early Childhood through sixth-grade. Our awesome team of educators is excited for the opportunity to serve your families. At FES, our mission is to create a students first, positive and innovative environment that prepares students to thrive today to excel tomorrow!
We are proud to offer a multitude rich learning opportunities!
Academic Support - SOAR
Standards Based Instruction
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
Preschool (Discovery Place)
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
And much more!
Thanks for choosing Fairmont Elementary School; where all are valued and belong! We look forward to supporting and cultivating a partnership with your family that truly starts at birth and continues through graduation!
School Hours
K-6: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
School doors open at 7:50 AM and students are expected to be in their classrooms at 8:00 AM.
Breakfast is free for all students and is served at 7:50 AM.
Early Childhood Family Education
Phone: (507) 235-6205
Early Childhood Special Education
Phone: (507) 238-4133
A leading and innovative school district preparing students to thrive today and excel tomorrow.
Excellence, Service, Integrity