Jennifer Diegnau

Academic Student Support

About Me: Hello... Welcome to Fairmont Elementary School. Let me share a little about myself. I taught Kindergarten for 28 years, most of them here at Fairmont Elementary. The past several years I have worked with the SOAR team delivering academic interventions to students in grades K-6.

I grew up and went to school in Fairmont! After college, I moved "home" to begin my career and raise my family. Later in my career I returned to school and received a Masters Degree in Elementary Education from Minnesota State University - Mankato.

My husband Craig and I have three adult children and five beautiful grandchildren. During my time away from school I love to travel, read, go for walks, spend time with family, and decorate my home.

Teacher Name

Contact Information


Phone: 507-238-4487 (FES)

Office Hours: Monday- Friday 8:30-2:30