Sara Junkermeier - 7th Grade Health and Physical Education

About Me:

Welcome to 7th grade health and physical education! I am excited to have the opportunity to work with you this school year.

Make-up work:

If you are absent from class it is YOUR responsibility to check with me and get any missing assignments or notes, and also check Schoology for assignments and resources you may have missed. If you know ahead of time that you will be gone it is expected that you talk with me prior to your absence so that we can make a plan to help you get your work done. Pre-arranged absence forms, used prior to a planned absence, are available in the office.


Skyward will be completely updated every 3 weeks. I will do my best to enter scores in a timely manner. An asterisk(*) in skyward means that an assessment has not been completed.

The 7th grade team of teachers is really asking parents to check Skyward with your child sitting next to you. Have your child explain the assignments/tests and the reason they were scored like they were. If there are questions or concerns with what you see in Skyward, please have your child contact me first. If this does not clarify the issue, please then feel free to contact me with your questions or concerns. As teachers we are really looking to build self-advocacy skills within our students - thanks for your help with this endeavor!!

Contact Information

I am available to help students after school M-F from 3:15-3:30 in room N103. Please feel free to contact me via email if you have questions about, or need help with, a lesson or assignment.


B.A- Health and Physical Education- Augustana College, Sioux Falls,1999

M.A.-Education-St. Mary's University, 2007

Licensed to Teach-Health/Physical Education, K-12, in Minnesota

1st Semester

2nd Semester

1st Hour



2nd Hour



3rd Hour



4th Hour

Extra Duty

Extra Duty

5th Hour/ Lunch



6th Hour



7th Hour



Sara Junkermeier portrait

Contact Information

Email: Sara Junkermeier

Phone: 507-238-4411 (HS)