Katie Rodning - Elementary Teacher
About Me:
Hello! I am originally from Waldorf, MN. I graduated from JWP High School in 1995 and from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 1999 with a degree in Elementary Education. I received my Masters Degree in Education in 2007 through Saint Mary's University.
I have taught in Houston, TX , New Ulm, MN and then here in Fairmont since 2001. I have taught kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade before moving up to 5th grade in 2018. I am the 5th Grade Social Studies teacher and feel very fortunate to work with an amazing team and fabulous fifth graders to guide students to become creative thinkers and lifelong learners.
The best times to reach me by phone (507-238-4487) are between 3:00 and 4:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Feel free to email (krodning@fairmont.k12.mn.us) at any time.
Contact Information
Email: krodning@fairmont.k12.mn.us
Phone: 507-238-4487 (FES)